Bible Study Tools

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Introduction to the New Testament by Louis Berkhof

Principles of Biblical Interpretation (Sacred Hermeneutics) by Louis Berkhof


Biblical Exegesis (Discovering the Meaning of Scriptural Texts) by John Piper


Contributed by Don Closson

Sacred Hermeneutics

Seven Keys To Understanding Scripture By Tremper Longman III

Everyone who reads the Bible interprets the text. Unfortunately, however, the Bible is not always easy to understand. Even when the text seems straightforward, we may feel uncertain that our interpretation is right. All of us want to treat the Word of God with the respect it deserves, and we certainly don’t want to read into it things that are not there. For these reasons, we need to apply the basic principles of hermeneutics—the science of interpretation—as we read the text. Follow these simple guidelines to help better grasp what God’s Word is saying.

Exegesis and Hermeneutics By Simon Rock Njolomah

Exegesis: This is the science or art of discovering the original intended meaning of a Scripture text or passage. Hermeneutics: This is the science of interpretation to determine what the words spoken to the original hearers mean to us today. It is seeking contemporary relevance.

Exegesis and Hermeneutics are the two main requirements for interpreting the Scriptures. Exegesis is always done first then hermeneutics follows.